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Pioneering Fuel Purity

Low-quality fuel is a prevalent issue that companies with large fleets or heavy machinery often face. The impurities in fuel, such as water, ash, carbon, and particulate matter, can severely impact the efficiency and longevity of engines.


These impurities can lead to the buildup of residues in the engine and fuel system, which can, in turn, cause engine misfires, reduced fuel efficiency, increased emissions, and even severe engine damage over time. 

Our device +Pure treats fuel to remove all the impurities that engines doesn’t want, improving fuel efficiency, lowering maintenance costs, and reducing harmful emissions.

+Pure reduces unwanted particles in large quantities:  Water, Ash, Carbon Residue and Particulate Content in fuel (Gas, Diesel, and Biodiesel).


  • Lessens Maintenance costs by reducing the buildup of impurities in fuel filters and particulate filters.

  • Increase fuel economy 

  • Reduces ash build up at the injectors.

  • Gain of power and torque thanks to a cleaner combustion of the fuel in the engine.

  • Lasts for 2.5 years with Unlimited mileage/hours.

  • Very fast ROI after installation thanks to the multiple benefits of using the cleanest fuel possible.

About us

About us

Pure Fuel Technologies is an American company based in Tampa, Florida. The Company’s management team is composed of leaders from the Tampa Bay area who bring many years of industry and business experience to the Company.


Vision is to elevate fuel quality on a global scale through innovative purification technology, driving enhanced performance and sustainability across diverse industries.


Unique Value Proposition: Delivering a cutting-edge, fuel purification solution that empowers companies to improve fuel efficiency, extend engine life, and significantly reduce operational costs, all while contributing to environmental sustainability.

The PFT Device

 Pure Fuel devices are designed and tested to produce a more efficient combustion of fuel which:


  • Reduces harmful emissions (CO, CO2, and NOx) by 50% on average.

  • Improves fuel efficiency by reducing consumption by 10% on average.      

  • Pure Fuel is composed entirely of nano-minerals.

The +Pure Technology

How does it work?

The +Pure device from Pure Fuel Technologies removes impurities from fuel before it enters the engine. It returns fuel to refinery quality and ensures better engine combustion, lowers fuel consumption, reduces emissions, and slashes maintenance costs.


Our patented technology, developed using advanced mineral nanotechnology, is integrated with specially designed mineral components. This technology is installed inside fuel storage tanks securely attached to floating fuel buoys that navigate through the fuel tank.


As the buoys move through the fuel, the nano-minerals interact with the fuel to initiate a continuous purification process in a molecular level. This interaction effectively eliminates common impurities such as ash, carbon, particulates, and water content from the fuel.






Moreover, this purification process enhances the British Thermal Unit (BTU) value of the fuel, which indicates an increase in the energy content per gallon. As a result, the fuel burns more efficiently, ensuring that engines receive the optimum energy required to operate effectively while reducing waste and emissions.


This technology provides a continuous cycle of purification and energy optimization, directly at the source, ensuring that the fuel in the tanks is of high quality and ready to deliver superior performance.

The device continues to work for 2 years so you can rest easy that you are using the most pure and pristine fuel you can get.


The device is NOT a liquid additive, so it doesn’t require re-treatment until the 2 years is up.

Once the product is installed on any Gasoline or Diesel engine, we:      

  •  Reduce harmful emissions (CO, CO2, and NOx) by 30% average.      

  •  Improve fuel efficiency.  

  •  Increase the yield and useful life of any engine running on gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, or bioethanol.

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How does it work

Physical Analysis results on fuel treated with +Pure

SGS North America lab results.


  • Increase of the BTU in fuel; higher quality combustion.


  • Decreased percentage of water in the fuel; higher yield and less corrosion.


  • Decreased content of fuel ashes; it extends proper conditions of injectors, filters and pump reducing ash accumulation in them.


  • Decreased carbon residue; cleaner engine.


  • Decreased particulate content; cleaner fuel, less pollutants.


  • Increase of the Lubricity, prolonging the good condition and durability of the pump.

Device Installation

Device Installation

Device Installation

The device is composed by a delivery capsule containing nano-minerals in the inside.  It is never in contact with any part of the equipment, except for the fuel. 

  • Especially designed for use in stationary equipment.

  • Simply drop-In the fuel tank for easy installation.

  • Sits one foot from tank bottom, ensuring no sludge interference.

  • 2 years lifespan.

Testing and certification

Testing and Certifications

The PFT ® Device is subject to a series of professional tests verifying the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions performed by the following leading examination entities:

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The world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company. Recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. 96,000 employees operate a network of 2,600 offices and laboratories, working together to enable a better, safer and more interconnected world.

The University of Central Florida College of Engineering and Computer Science is an academic college of the University of Central Florida located in Orlando, Florida, United States.

The Emissions and Fuels research team at CE-CERT, including national and international research leaders, is applying advanced technologies and methods to the measurement of emissions from all types of engines, including cars and light-duty trucks, heavy-duty freight trucks and construction equipment, and the large engines that power marine vessels. CE-CERT has considerable experience with successfully completing complex projects that involve elements of laboratory testing, field work, activity measurements, and PEMS evaluations and implementations.

Real testimonial example

Customers Using PFT +Pure Device

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Reasons to install PFT

Reasons to install PFT®


  • Average consumption reduction of 10%  


  • Increase of the engine life span and wear reduction of clutch and gearbox.


  • It improves cold engine start and increases the durability of ignition and exhaust systems.


  • It improves the engine torque and elasticity.


  • Extends the life in good condition of the engine oil.


  • Reduces power loss when the air conditioning system is operating.


  •      Average emissions reduction of 30% 

          - Hydrocarbons CH4

          - Carbon Monoxide CO

          - Carbon Dioxide CO2

          - Nitrogen Oxides Nox      


  • Reduction the direct global warming effects.


  • Considerable reduction of Particles and the Volatile Organic compounds emissions on  Diesel engines.    


  • The manufacturing process allows local production helping thus the development of the local economies.



1.  How do I know that this product really works like you say it does?
Pure Fuel is a patented technology that has been tested and certified by numerous top tier testing organizations.

2.  Does it affect the engine itself, or will it cause harm to the electronics or any mechanical part of the engine?
No, it doesn't. The Pure Fuel device is only in contact with the fuel. It’s never connected to any electronic part of the vehicle. It just treats the fuel.

3.  Do you have any external Certifications or testing completed on this product?

We have several certifications and studies from universities in the United States and top Labs in the US and Europe.  Please see these links for the reports: Testing and Certification

4.  It looks like a filter.  Is that what this is?
It is not. It is a hollow device with a membrane in the inside composed only of natural minerals that when in contact with fuel, it purifies  it by reducing the Water Content, Ash Content, Carbon Residue and Particulate content.


5.  How is it installed? Is it easy to install?

Is installed inside of the fuel tank 1 foot above the bottom of the tank. We offer also the option to be install in the fuel line of any vehicle. Please see more for device installation on the main page.

6.  Will this product VOID my equipment guarantee? 

No. As we only treat the fuel. In the case of In-Line Installation, We are working with equipment manufacturers to be able to install the product on under guarantee equipment shortly.

7.  How many do I need for my heavy equipment and fleet truck?  
For the fuel line device 1 device is installed for every 4 liters of engine. 
For the stationary equipment, 1 device is installed for every every 250 gallons. 


8.  How much fuel will I save by using your device?
This will depend on the type of equipment. The average fuel savings is 10%. We see cases where the fuel savings are up to 20% and other cases where the fuel savings is just 5%. This depends on the shape of the engine and vehicle.     


9.  Can I speak with someone who has used it?

Yes, we are happy to facilitate a conversation between you and a representative of any of our current customers.      

10.  How much does it cost and where do I purchase it?
Please contact us for quote on the product. Our sales team will assist you on anything you need.


Contact us

1409, Tech Blvd, 33619.

Tampa, USA.

Thanks for submitting!

© 2022 Pure Fuel Technologies® 

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